Getting the Shot: Meeting Ryan Cohen of Neoscape

Getting the Shot: Meeting Ryan Cohen of Neoscape

By In Blog On September 19, 2016

We got a chance to interview Ryan Cohen during on of his recent shoots in our green screen cyc studio 5G. Ryan is a principal and managing director of Neoscape New York studio.

What did today’s shoot involve?

Today we’re shooting a promotional film for capital campaign for New York–Presbyterian Hospital, the largest hospital in New York City. They’re building a new hospital over on the East side campus, on 68th Street. So we’re creating a computer generated film that goes through what’s it going to look like and the experience through that space.

What does Neoscape mostly create?

Our specialty is in a real estate market. We have a small niche in that market where we help kind of paint a picture or tell the future of what an environment will look like. So we work in retail, we work in a commercial space, hospitality, residential, and in this case, institutional.

Was there anything that stood out in this shoot?

One of the interesting components of this particular shoot was we were dealing with the actual hospital staff and physicians along with hired talent. So the wrangling and the coordination of scheduling all that on a very conservative budget and time frame was very interesting. How to get people over from the hospital and how they would react and interact with talents.

The efficiency was, I mean we did hit the mark. There was some stress at time but we have pretty strong team. We did a lot of preparation as far as scheduling for weeks in advance. And also having a relationship with this studio, using particular support–the lighting director and director of photography–along with our team was super helpful and made sure everything stayed on time and budget.

There were about 35 separate shots with alterations and different set ups for each shot and we were able to capture all of those, with different lighting scenarios, in two and half days.

What advice would you now give yourself 5 to 10 years ago?

It’s definitely to be observant! We’re in a very unique market–in computer generated real estate world–but we get a lot of our insight and creativity everywhere from fashion to cars, to commercials, to feature films, architecture, to anything and everything in between. So it’s important to stay observant and to really look at the details and to how things get set up and so forth.

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